Explore boundless

Your passport to adventure in the Reverie film library

Travel the world

Welcome to the Reverie Film Library, where the world is your oyster and adventure knows no bounds. Immerse yourself in a captivating collection of 360-degree films, meticulously curated to spark joy, foster connection, experiences while ensuring safety, comfort, and engagement for voyagers. Here's a glimpse into the features that make Reverie a game-changer:

Examples from Reverie film library

See the locations where we have made some of our films:

Colchester Zoo

Flatford - National Trust

Snape Maltings

St Edmundsbury Cathedral

Featured in news & media

Reverie is the ultimate good news story in the area of dementia care. See our latest press involvement below. If you would like to feature Reverie in an upcoming new story and spread the word of this amazing system, and improve the lives of those living with dementia, please contact us.

Our library

Our library of content is user generated by amateurs and professionals alike, there is everything from interactive CGI worlds and 360 degree videos, to personal memories and photographs uploaded by the user, and everything in between.

Upload personal content

Get involved and use off the shelf equipment to produce your own content. This can be particularly effective for users of the system to help connect personally with the VR films that have a special meaning to them.

Learn more

Westleton Heath


St Edmundsbury


River Stour at Nayland


Contribute your own VR films

Reverie is more than a VR system—it’s a gateway to cherished memories. Our platform lets you upload personal films for those with dementia, creating familiar and meaningful experiences.

Whether you’re a care provider or a family member, Reverie makes it easy to share treasured moments. Contact us today to find out how you can contribute videos and help create experiences that truly make a difference.

Get in touch

Get in touch & book a demo

For more information or to arrange a free demo please get in touch by pressing the button below.

Sales support
Contact us today to arrange a demo